Always be open to learn

You can have all the answers in all the worlds, yet if you stay open to learn, you may find a better way of doing something or learning an important lesson.

It is not easy to do what you want to do and yet it should be a lifelong endeavor. You are in control of your life and anything that you do in your daily life you can decide what you want it to be. However, if you keep telling yourself that you have to do something that you have a hard time doing, it will make it easier for you to do what you want, but in the long run, it will make it harder for you to do what you want to do.

new skills

I encourage you to train hard and be the best you can possibly be, but if you keep telling yourself that you are not good enough to do everything that you want to do, it will make it more difficult than if you stay true to yourself, yet be open to learning. It takes time to realize your potential, but you do not have to do everything that you want to do. You can develop new skills and do things that you never thought you could do. It may take some time, but you can always train at what you want to do. Be open to learning, be true to yourself and never say no to yourself because of someone else. Never say that you have to do something that you can do but you are afraid. You can always stay true to yourself and still be in control. There is no β€œright” answer. No one really knows what is best for us.

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We have to be flexible to find the answer. If we have a problem, that is the first thing we should do is to take care of it first. It is just that simple, first we have to find the problem and find our solution, then we have to find the problem solution solution. Once we understand the problem, it will not be a problem any longer, only when we reach that point, we are happy that we have done that. We all have a choice, we all have to decide ourselves what we want to do become fit.