Improve your boxing punching technique with these tips

Tips for correcting common punching mistakes in boxing training.

If you're looking to improve your punching technique in boxing, there are some common mistakes you'll want to avoid. One of the biggest is dropping your chin during a punch, which can lead to poor form and decreased power. Instead, focus on keeping your chin up and engaging all the muscles in your upper body to keep it there.

boxer with championship belt

Another common mistake is pulling your punches if your chin comes down or if you tilt your chin to the side. This can be a sign of weakness and can cost you points in a sparring match. To avoid this, keep your hand extended and aim to feel the resistance from the bag around your waist as you punch.


It's also important to avoid pulling on the bag or other fighters with your hand. Instead, focus on throwing smooth, effortless punches that flow naturally and don't jerk your hand back quickly or sharply. This will not only help you avoid injury but also improve your speed and power in the long run. To get the most out of your training, try to throw a fast, short punch followed by a slow, steady punch, or vice versa. This will help you maintain a steady rhythm and avoid getting tired too quickly. And remember, the key to a good punch is in the technique, so practice regularly and focus on correct form to improve your sparring performance.


To improve your footwork it is always a good idea to mix some jump rope training into your workout, at least you should do your warm-up by jumping rope with a training jump rope.
