Breathing helps alleviate stress and improves your fitness

It's not meant to become boring, but to help you maintain your edge.

As you breathe deeper and slower, your nervous system calms down and you feel more relaxed. Your physical senses become more attuned to the world around you, and your mental abilities become more stable. Taking advantage of your natural ability to breathe properly will make you more confident and self-aware.

man doing site planks

The last 10 years have been challenging for many people. We've seen increased rates of depression, anxiety, addictions, and stress. And we've seen people who are on the rise in their weight, while others who are a little bit underweight. There are many potential causes for increased rates of weight gain, but one of the reasons most people give for gaining weight is lack of exercise.

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Now, that seems like an easy fix to many, but there is a better option: learning how to breathe better, which, in turn, will help you to maintain a healthy weight. Breath and energy can both be improved with simple techniques and breathing exercises you can perform anywhere, anytime. Here are 8 ways you can improve your breath and use that information to take control of your energy levels and how you feel about yourself. 1. Listen to Music Let me challenge you to listen to two songs without any distractions. Then think about that as you listen to the songs. When you listen to music while you're working, when you're having a conversation, or even while you meditate, you're not really listening to the music; you're listening to you. The way you listen to the music is not as important as the kind of energy you bring to the music. When you're listening to music while you're working or jumping rope, the energy that you bring into the game will double your improvements.